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Valued friends, clients and community partners,

The COVID-19 global pandemic and the recent stock market declines have taken the wind out of what was promising to be a robust spring and summer real estate market. As a result, it is anything but “business as usual” and we understand that everyone’s lives have been affected by these events and have caused most if us to feel anxious about the future to varying degrees.

At Stilhavn Real Estate Services, the health and well being of our clients, our agents, and our staff is of paramount importance. These are unprecedented times and we have taken strong measures to help combat the spread of COVID-19 through education and action.

Starting March 17th, we closed our offices to the general public to limit the risk of exposure to our staff, clients and our agents. Our administration and conveyance staff are working from home, and all of our services are fully operational to ensure that transactions continue to be processed without delay.

Our agents have been advised to work from home as much as possible, but continue to have full access to our offices to do business and meet with clients as needed. Our facilities are cleaned and sanitized frequently for the comfort and safety of those using them.

We have been keeping our agents regularly updated on industry recommendations related to showings, open houses and health and safety recommendations. As an added precaution, we have advised our agents to no longer conduct public open houses at this time but rather to proceed with pre-scheduled showings to qualified buyers only.

In addition, we have been working with industry partners including lawyers, notaries, and mortgage professionals to ensure that transactions continue to proceed smoothly for our clients and close on time, even if one or both of the parties are in isolation.

While there will be an inevitable slow down in our local market in the weeks ahead as local, provincial and federal governments continue to take action to slow the spread of the virus, the market is still moving forward. Sellers that sold their homes in the past few months are now motivated Buyers. Historically low interest rates are motivating many Buyers to continue looking for a new home. Offers continue to be written as Buyers, Sellers and their agents quickly adapt to this temporary new reality.

No one has a crystal ball to see what the future holds, but we do know that the permanence and relative stability of real property makes it one of the best investments over time. During economic uncertainty and market volatility many investors will flock towards real estate holdings as a more secure place to put their money. Opportunities exist in every market if you know where to look.

Whether your home is currently on the market, or you are contemplating buying or selling a home in the near future, or are just curious about how these recent events have affected your home’s value, please reach out to one of our highly experienced Stilhavn Real Estate Advisors. Our award winning agents are some of the most experienced in our market area and are here to share their experience and knowledge with you to help guide you through this trying time.

We are here for you.